Hostel Facilities
GNPS Dalhosuie is the first and the only school in the area to have air conditioned (heated & cooled ) hostels for exterme weather conditions and supreme comfort for its boarders.The school has six hostels as on date namely Azad, Patel, Gobind, Tagore, Lakshmi and Sahibzada. Each hostel is under the supervision of residential teachers and matrons who look after the personal hygiene etc of the students. Medical attendant visits the school daily in order to look after the health of the students.

Students are served Non-veg. and Veg. meals. Non-veg. and Cheese is served thrice a week and sweet dish is served four times a week. Fruit is served daily to the boarders. Boarders have five mess breaks a day and the day boarders have two. Milk is served once a day. Well balanced diet including green vegetables, butter etc. are served to the school students.The school has six hostels as on date namely Azad, Patel, Gobind, Tagore, Lakshmi and Sahibzada. Each hostel is under the supervision of residential teachers and matrons who look after the personal hygiene etc of the students. Medical attendant visits the school daily in order to look after the health of the students.