Class Rooms
All class room have wall to wall carpet with attached toilets to avoid students wasting time and getting wet in rain etc. All class rooms have provision of blowers when ever required as per weather. This has been done to avoid heavy clothing in side the class rooms, to give free movement of body and especially the hands during teaching hours.

All students are expected to conduct themselves as disciplined children at all times and all places. The whole hearted, co-operation of the guardians is expected at all times in formation of the character of their ward. The aim is to give a sense of self imposed discipline.
- The session begins in March and ends in Nov., in addition to winter vacations Sundays and other selected holidays are also observed.
- In the playing fields every student/class gets a games period daily.
- Children live a disciplined and dutiful life and the school as a matter of policy, invests in education and character building.
- The school is divided into four houses.
- School will not be responsible for any mishap in the school/during transportation.
- Expensive articles and jewellery should never be left with the students.